Headphones (Boy)


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Vlad Gerasimov 8 July 2023
It might sound weird, but headphones always were an important part of my life. I've been addicted to music listening since forever, and have always owned and actively used at least one pair. I don't need expensive Apple Vision Pro glasses: good headphones are quite enough for me to transport me into another reality! I made this picture in a new app I'm learning: Affinity Designer. So far so good! I'll publish the walkthrough video soon, hoping it will be useful.
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Kelcey 8 July 2023
I just got a new (bigger) MacBook and was re-downloading your wallpapers and yay - a fabulous new one has appeared! Great work with new app, may we see many more :)
Roberta Hudgins 9 July 2023
looks like he is enjoying his music, so relaxing. thank you
DaNan 12 July 2023
rly cool!