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Vlad Gerasimov 7 June 2004
Carcassonne Castle, France. This is one of the wallpapers based on the photos I took during travel to Paris and Toulouse on May-June 2004.
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Fox Mulder long ago
Beautiful shot! Thanks a lot for publishing it! (Y) (Y) (Y)
undead faery long ago
Ooh, I love the contrast, and the softness, and the glow--makes me want to go there or just sit and stare at it with a cup of chai tea in hand. Or coffee. Either way, great picture! 'Tis perfect.
lu long ago
el museo de las torturas podri estar mejor, las maniquies con postura de baile flamenco metidas en jaulas ( donde se suponen que eran torturadas las mujeres) son pateticas, ¿se creen que los visitantes somos tontos o que?(u)
Ivan long ago
i´ve seen better ________________ vi mejores
Jaideep long ago
Neat & elegant
The Ass Owl long ago
A pretty picture but not from the best of this site.
Lo0ping long ago
with it, I'am at home !!!! great !!! good job !!! :)
Erick Valle long ago
un saludo a sujeidy
Ajay long ago
Simplyt fabulous! Great to look at - sometimes its energy, sometimes its hope in teh darkness, sometimes its a visual delight...see it your way!
kellies long ago
Thanks for the pictures. I've never seen that. I think that you have a good job, but i found someone which name is Astabo Elisabeth.
Walter long ago
(N) Not the best of this site
Dzuny long ago
Nice and nice. I've never seen Carcassone... :-)
Lucifer long ago
I like it! It's my wallpaper right now :) OK, it's not the best, but it's nice.
Alycia long ago
Parlez vous français? France is a beautiful place and you are continually capturing the essence of it in your pictures. :-O Again you have succeeded in taking a captivating picture.
nona long ago
i wish i could be there right now. its so beautiful!
MAREK & ZUZU long ago
koko long ago
Max long ago
good job, this wallpaper is very nice ;-)
kim long ago
I like it very much and I tell you why: the colours and the motiv are beautiful. On this wallpaper my icons do not disturb the totality because I can place them on the top. My compliment, I love your page!! Kim from germany
kim long ago
I am sorry, I don`t know how that bad smilie got in my message !
ceylan long ago
geil! fettes schloß. ich komm dich besuchen(Y) :-)
Vlad long ago
This is the place to see.. Locally you can buy multilanguage booklet covering history, photos, and more...
Yo Yo long ago
It's like "heaven on earth" place, an ultimate dream of all human. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Jon 30 May 2008
Decent picture but the name of the town is Carcassonne with en e at the end. Fabulous city to walk around.